Presentation FabCafé All-In.jpg

The 5 W’s and How

1. What (What is your focus?  Please specify the “Rose,” “Thorn,” or “Bud” to be addressed and do so as a potentially shared vision of success.)

“What do we want to do?” question.

We have noticed that at Fablab Artilect the senior audience increases every month. We find that groups of seniors/retired want to share and reinvent themselves through technology and innovation. While the young public tries to return to the roots, co-create and use new technologies to innovate.

2. Why (Why are you doing this?  Please indicate the “why” so that everyone involved is “on the same page with the need for change.)

“Why are we doing this project?”

3. Who (Who are the key co-creators, stakeholders, rightsholders, or futureholders relevant to your focus?)

4. When (Please indicate key milestones with timing, both over the next 6 weeks and beyond)

5. Where (Where will this be taking place – both the overall location on the planet and any specific locations in your community?)

Where will this take place?

6. How (What methods, strategies, and approaches will you use so that people can let go of the old and embrace what is new?)