



Week 1 - Rose, Thorn and BUD


What is RDT?

“The Rose, Bud, Thorn exercise is a creative approach to finding your unique purpose in various scenarios. This process of assessment is an excellent way to discover your passions and hone in on the activities that truly bring you joy. It can also be used for exploring your current situation, brainstorming to identify blind spots, and finding solutions to problems you’re experiencing.

The exercise can be used at any point in your life and is closely related to the WIP (What is important to you?) exercise. These two approaches can be used together to further discover what’s important to you and how you can best use your talents and skills for learning potential causes and doing better.” - (Source:

My Rose, Thorn and BUD

Theme: Delivery of a Carbon Literacy Course for young leaders living in different communities in the jungle of Peru.


Rose: Successes. What went well?

What are you most proud of in the past or current project? What was your favourite part? What areas should be celebrated and continued for the following projects?

Bud: Opportunities for improvement and anticipate your potential.

What can be improved upon? What opportunities get you excited? Do you have ideas we can implement for the next projects?

Thorn: Challenges. Obstacles that derail the project or idea.

What aspects of the project are most stressful? What factors hinder our progress? If we could have a redo, what would you have changed for the better?